Month: May 2024

Understanding Alternative Investments: Why You Should Look Beyond Stocks and Bonds (Ep. 95)

Understanding Alternative Investments: Why You Should Look Beyond Stocks and Bonds (Ep. 95)

Alternative investments may offer significant opportunities for superior risk-adjusted returns and portfolio diversification.

Yet, many investors find their portfolios thin of these investments.

In this episode, Centura Wealth Advisory’s Chief Investment Officer, Chris Osmond, CFA, CAIA®, CFP®, talks about the world of alternative investments and their critical role in a high-net-worth portfolio. Tune in and learn how Centura Wealth Advisory (Centura) approaches alternatives based on its overarching investment philosophy.

Chris discusses:

  • Understanding the role of alternative asset classes in a diversified portfolio
  • The “core-satellite” strategy to navigate alternative investments in a risk-controlled manner
  • Centura’s comprehensive due diligence process
  • Where Centura adds significant value compared to competitors
  • And more

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