Tag: High Net Worth

Working With Centura: Candid Feedback From Our Client Charlie Neer (Ep. 97)

Working With Centura: Candid Feedback From Our Client Charlie Neer (Ep. 97)

Coming from a humble background, Charlie Neer experienced financial turmoil early in his life. 

But over the years, he has found success in multiple senior executive positions at various organizations — currently as Chief Revenue Officer (US) at MiQ.

Two years ago, Charlie became a client of Centura Wealth Advisory (Centura).

In this episode, Centura’s Managing Director Derek Myron interviews Charlie, who candidly shares his client experience, pivotal moments during the journey, and how his wealth management has become better aligned with his purpose.

Derek and Charlie discuss:

  • What prompted Charlie to finally seek professional financial guidance
  • Centura’s comprehensive Liberated Wealth® process
  • How Centura helps coordinate all aspects of wealth management (investments, estate planning, tax planning, etc.)
  • Charlie’s advice to other high-net-worth individuals
  • And more

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The presented testimonial is from a current Centura client and is for informational purposes only. The statements provided should not be considered as a representation of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.

Understanding Alternative Investments: Why You Should Look Beyond Stocks and Bonds (Ep. 95)

Understanding Alternative Investments: Why You Should Look Beyond Stocks and Bonds (Ep. 95)

Alternative investments may offer significant opportunities for superior risk-adjusted returns and portfolio diversification.

Yet, many investors find their portfolios thin of these investments.

In this episode, Centura Wealth Advisory’s Chief Investment Officer, Chris Osmond, CFA, CAIA®, CFP®, talks about the world of alternative investments and their critical role in a high-net-worth portfolio. Tune in and learn how Centura Wealth Advisory (Centura) approaches alternatives based on its overarching investment philosophy.

Chris discusses:

  • Understanding the role of alternative asset classes in a diversified portfolio
  • The “core-satellite” strategy to navigate alternative investments in a risk-controlled manner
  • Centura’s comprehensive due diligence process
  • Where Centura adds significant value compared to competitors
  • And more

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Our Proprietary Liberated Wealth® Process for Ultra-High-Net-Worth Clients (Ep. 93)

Our Proprietary Liberated Wealth® Process for Ultra-High-Net-Worth Clients (Ep. 93)

Are you ready to dive into the world of proactive and comprehensive wealth management designed to help ultra-high-net-worth individuals achieve exponential results?

In this episode, Sean Clark speaks with Derek Myron, founder, CEO, and managing director of Centura Wealth Advisory (Centura), about the innovative Liberated Wealth® process. Discover the five-step journey Centura’s clients embark on, from uncovering their goals to designing personalized strategies, implementing solutions, and ongoing stewardship to ensure continued success.

Sean and Derek discuss:

  • Sophisticated planning for founder-led business owners and C-level executives
  • Differentiating “above-the-line” planning for exponential results
  • The importance of ongoing stewardship and annual review processes
  • How Centura delivers a white glove treatment at every step
  • Centura’s collaborative approach and referral system for advisors and other professionals
  • And more


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How Can High-Income Business Owners Supercharge Their Retirement Savings? (Ep. 92)

How Can High-Income Business Owners Supercharge Their Retirement Savings? (Ep. 92)

Business owners with a lot of surplus cash flow often want to put it away in a qualified plan and defer taxes. The problem is that they might feel restricted by the contribution limits.

However, there is a way to set up a qualified plan and potentially contribute millions of dollars.

To learn more about this strategy, join Centura Wealth Advisory’s Sean Clark, Wealth Advisor, and Christopher Hyman, Director of Insurance Solutions, as they explain how to design such qualified plans, the types of businesses they are suited for, and any caveats to look out for.

Sean and Chris discuss:

  • The difference between defined contribution and defined benefit plans
  • A brief overview of how contribution limits are determined
  • How the plan works from setup to maintenance to termination (especially when a business is sold)
  • How to defer more money than conventional retirement savings plans (e.g., 401k, SEP IRA, etc)
  • The benefits of integrating life insurance into your qualified plan
  • And more

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Effective Use Cases of Life Insurance for Wealth Transfer, Tax Planning, and More (Ep. 91)

Effective Use Cases of Life Insurance for Wealth Transfer, Tax Planning, and More (Ep. 91)

Life insurance is often only viewed as a way to get a death benefit.

But if you look beyond its conventional definition, you’ll see how life insurance has several use cases in tax planning, wealth transfer, and as an alternative investment!

Join Centura Wealth Advisory’s Sean Clark, Wealth Advisor, and Christopher Hyman, Director of Insurance Solutions, for an enlightening conversation about the role of life insurance in comprehensive wealth management — especially for high-net-worth individuals.

Sean and Chris discuss:

  • How life insurance provides the much-needed liquidity to pay off estate taxes
  • Life insurance as an alternative asset class
  • Four tax advantages of life insurance
  • How business owners can effectively utilize insurance in risk management, exit planning, and other scenarios
  • A rapid-fire Q&A session about insurance
  • And more

Connect with Sean Clark:

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Tax Countdown: Planning for the Expiration of the TCJA (Ep. 90)

Tax Countdown: Planning for the Expiration of the TCJA (Ep. 90)

In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) introduced some significant changes to tax laws, both on the income and estate side.

Now, as we approach its expiration on December 31st, 2025, it is important to plan for the looming tax changes!

Join our senior wealth advisors Matt Griffith, CFP®, and Roby Kotcamp, CFP®, as they unpack the potential tax changes and their implications for high-net-worth individuals and business owners.

Matt and Roby discuss:

  • How income tax rates and deductions might be affected
  • Expected changes in the lifetime exemption for estate and gift tax
  • Strategies that may help you take maximum advantage of the prevailing tax laws
  • Why you should act now instead of waiting until 2025
  • And more


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How to Plan for the Looming Estate Tax Issue (Ep. 89)

How to Plan for the Looming Estate Tax Issue (Ep. 89)

The once-generous estate and gift tax exemptions set by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are due to sunset on December 31, 2025.

Is your estate plan ready for the challenge?

In this episode, Kyle Malmstrom, Managing Director, and Christopher Hyman, Director of Insurance Solutions, refer to strategies to reduce the estate tax liability that may significantly increase for many high-net-worth families after the TCJA expires.

Kyle and Chris discuss:

  • A brief overview of how exemption limits have changed over the years
  • The importance of creating liquidity well before the transfer of estate (especially for business and real estate owners)
  • Tax and liquidity benefits of an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT)
  • Why you should seek expert guidance in estate planning and structuring any trusts
  • And more

Connect with Kyle Malmstrom:

Connect with Christopher Hyman:

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Unbundling Financial Services and Maximizing Value for High-Net-Worth Individuals (Ep. 88)

Unbundling Financial Services and Maximizing Value for High-Net-Worth Individuals (Ep. 88)

As the financial services industry moved to a fee-based model, many firms started to ‘bundle’ their services. For example, investment management may be bundled with financial planning.

But are clients really getting maximum value from bundled services?

In this episode, Derek Myron, CFP®, Managing Director, and Sean Clark, Director of Financial Planning,  explore the benefits of unbundling financial services, especially for high-net-worth individuals and founder-led business owners.

Derek and Sean discuss:

  • The evolution of financial services toward fee-based RIAs
  • The distinction between “above the line” and “below the line” services
  • The value of income tax planning, wealth transfer planning, and balance sheet optimization
  • What to do if you feel you’re underserved (or need help finding a new professional)
  • Helpful advice for business owners considering selling their business
  • And more


Connect with Derek Myron:

Connect with Sean Clark:

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How Centura Creates Value for High-Net-Worth Individuals (Ep. 85)

How Centura Creates Value for High-Net-Worth Individuals (Ep. 85)

As your wealth grows, your financial planning needs become significantly more complex.

At Centura Wealth Advisory (Centura), we specialize in serving high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals, helping them lighten the burdens of wealth!

In this episode, Kyle Malmstrom and Sean Clark, MBA, talk about Centura’s Liberated Wealth® process, including an overview of our sophisticated wealth management and tax planning strategies.

Kyle and Sean discuss:

  • Why Centura differs from other wealth management firms
  • How to move the needle with above-the-line planning (income tax, wealth transfer, and balance sheet optimization)
  • Centura’s rigorous due diligence process
  • How Centura taps into 50+ planning strategies to find the right solution for clients
  • And more


Connect with Kyle Malmstrom:

Connect With Sean Clark:

Connect With Centura Wealth Advisory:

37. The Financial Planning Guide for High-Net-Worth Families

37. The Financial Planning Guide for High-Net-Worth Families

Most high-net-worth families work with various professionals, such as CPAs, estate planning attorneys, and valuation experts.

How can you bring them all together and create a holistic financial plan?

Derek Myron and Kyle Malmstrom answer the question in this episode. Join them as they explain strategies to create a forward-looking financial plan, minimize income and estate taxes, and optimize your wealth transfer for future generations. They also walk you through Centura Wealth Advisory’s comprehensive wealth management process that liberates you from financial burdens.

Derek and Kyle discuss:

  • Ways to know if a particular financial services professional is ideal for you
  • How to avoid a silo approach to your finances and focus on long-term planning
  • Tips for building a customized financial strategy based on your unique goals
  • Best practices to help you prepare for the potential tax changes
  • And more

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